
Use Sildigra Gold to get Relief from the Trouble of Impotence

Impotence is the frequent or reliable inability to get or sustain an erection of the male organ. While most men infrequently fail to get an erection or lose one prematurely during sensual activity. Some men suffer from these problems frequently. Sildigra Gold 200 mg tablets online from store4medi offer the best solution to erection difficulties in men. This medication comprises of sildenafil citrate 200 mg. This ingredient increases blood flow to the male organ and helps to remedy the illness. It functions by handling this health grumble in addition to refining health.

Causes & Symptoms of erection problem

The symptoms of the erection problem include an inability to obtain and/or maintain an adequate erection necessary for sensual relations.
It was once thought that ED was mostly of psychological origin. It is true that psychological factors can play a role. However, the causes of erection problem are often organic, meaning that the cause is related to a medical condition. Possible factors include hormonal, neurologic, and also vascular. Medical problems very commonly associated with ED are hypertension and also diabetes along with the atherosclerotic disease.

  1. Hormonal causes
  • Testosterone is a male hormone mostly produced in the testicles. Other hormones produced in the brain are in part responsible for “telling” the testicles to produce testosterone.
  • When there is a deficiency of testosterone circulating in the blood (which can be determined by a blood test to measure the testosterone level), this can be associated with a loss of libido (sensual desire) and erectile disorder.
  • Causes of low testosterone include a problem with a certain part of the brain (pituitary gland) or also inadequate production of testosterone by the testicle, (which may be suggested by the finding of atrophic (small) testicles on physical examination.
  • A cause of low testosterone levels is a pituitary tumor. However, it should be stressed that this is a cause of erection problem
  1. Neurologic causes
  • Causes include diabetes, spinal cord injury, and also other neurologic disorders.
  • Radical prostatectomy impotence is not uncommon, and prostate radiation side effects also include erectile disorder.
  • The nerves related to erectile function course along the area of the prostate and can be damaged during radical prostatectomy or by prostate radiation. Buy Sildenafil Gold 200 mg online at a inexpensive price to remedy erection difficulties in men.
  1. Vascular causes

A very common cause of the erectile disorder is vascular disease, and ED can be a symptom of heart disease.

About Sildigra Gold tablets online medication

Sildigra Gold 200 mg is the ideal medication for the treatment of ED. It has sildenafil citrate 200 mg as its chief ingredient which works by expanding the degree of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate). This medication spreads out the bloodstream in the male organ. Erectile brokenness occurs when the catalysts known as phosphodiesterase type 5 avert the creation of cGMP in the body. This sildenafil citrate 200 mg medication works by curbing these chemicals. It instigates the legitimate erection of the male organ during sensual incitement and recovers sensual interaction.

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