
Facing Impotence? Try oral medication remedies

Impotence is a sensual dysfunction that affects all men at some point in their sensual life. The condition refers to the inability of a man to get and maintain an erection long enough to complete sensual communication. An occasional episode of impotence is not a problem but if it happens on a frequent basis man must take the condition seriously and visit a doctor. Generally, Sildenafil 100mg is the first medication prescribed by a doctor to manage the condition.
Impotence is more common in men in their 60s, not that it’s related to the ageing process only, but because elderly men are more likely to suffer from conditions that may lead to erection problems.
Though impotence is not a life-threatening condition, it does affect the quality of life. Also, men suffer from low self-esteem because of their inability to satisfy their partner. Besides, their relationship also suffers because of a lack of intimacy. Medical specialists sincerely advise patients to discuss impotence, as it may be a manifestation of an underlying condition such as diabetes, heart diseases or high cholesterol that may warrant immediate attention. Sildenafil 100mg tablet works effectively to manage the condition by improving potential health effects.

Causes of Impotence

An erection is a complex process involving the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. If something disturbs the harmony of various processes leading to erection and the required flow of blood into the male organ is affected, men may suffer from impotence. The flow of blood to the male organ may be affected to due to physiological or psychological factors. However, in the majority of cases, physical factors are the chief cause of impotence in a man and oral medications such as Sildenafil 100mg can help manage the condition. While in young men the cause is mostly psychological in nature.

The Main Physical Causes

  • The side-effect of some medication drugs
  • Smoking
  • Excessive drinking
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of exercise

The Main Psychological Causes

  • Relationship issues
  • Stress
  • Depression

How to diagnose impotence?

If you face erection problems quire regularly, you must discuss this with your doctor. You must talk about your problem in detail without hesitation. the doctor first recommend Maxgun 100 (Sildenafil 100mg tablet) to manage the problem. Impotence is a common problem and your doctor discusses the subject. To form a diagnosis for the condition, your doctor will also ask you relevant questions pertaining to your sensual life and will conduct a physical examination. Your doctor may also request the laboratory test of your blood and urine to diagnose the cause of erection problems. One can prefer Maxgun 100 mg from store4medi to cure impotence. Buy sildenafil 100mg tablets online to cure impotence problems sooner.

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