
Understanding Male Sensual Problems

Though a topic like sensual dysfunction may seem extraordinarily private, to be properly evaluated and also addressed you need to be able to talk openly and honestly with a health professional to regain a more satisfying sensual life. To get to the heart of the matter you will need to evaluate your relationships, partners, past sensual history, possible depression, history of trauma, or also other stresses in your life that may be inhibiting your ability to respond sensually.
ED or impotence is a major problem for men. The male sensual organ in this illness may not sufficiently stimulate the female organ for orgasm. Bluemen 50 mg from store4medi is the most popular drug to help you get over impotence or ED. This medication comprises sildenafil citrate 50 mg. It is the best way to ensure a harder and also firmer erection. Such oral medication aids are not just highly effective but are also free of side effects.

Diagnosis of your sensual illness

A health care provider may take you through the following steps:

  • A physical exam checking for:
  1. Check for high blood pressure
  2. Possible vascular disease
  3. Neurological disorder
  4. Obvious signs of conditions affecting your male organ or testicles
  • Blood tests to check for diabetes, or other hormonal disorders
  • Review the list of medications and vitamins you use daily
  • You will be asked about whether you awaken with an erection – since men normally have multiple erections during sleep.
  • Your doctor may ask for an ultrasound exam to measure the blood flow within the pelvis (a penile Doppler study) to determine whether there are sufficient blood flow and pressure in the male organ to allow for a suitable erection.

What Are the Treatments for Male Sensual Problems?

Depending on the issue at hand a number of possible treatments may be recommended, such as:

  • Oral Medication such as Bluemen 50 mg to either:
  1. Increase testosterone levels
  2. Decrease prolactin
  3. Address high blood pressure
  • A change in existing medicine if necessary that comes with fewer sensual side effects
  • A bid to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, or use of recreational drugs
  • A recommendation to also eat a healthier diet and to exercise regularly

Oral medication cure for ED

Buy Bluemen 50 mg medication to resolve impotence. This medication comprises sildenafil citrate 50 mg. This active component not only boosts blood flow to the male organ but also helps increase the production of testosterone in your body. In addition to this, it also helps to increase the production of nitric oxide.

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